Kariana Dominguez
Meet Kariana Dominguez MSN, FNP-C, better known as Kariana Injects! A distinguished professional in both aesthetics and healthcare, Kariana combines her advanced medical expertise with exceptional skill in cosmetic injectables.
Kariana earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 2017 and advanced her expertise with a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in 2020 from the esteemed Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth in Houston, TX. Committed to continuous learning and excellence in patient care, she further specialized by completing a Post-Master’s Emergency Care program in 2021, demonstrating her ability to excel in high-pressure medical environments.s.
Before transitioning into aesthetics, Kariana established a strong foundation in critical care. She began her career as an IMU Registered Nurse in 2017 before advancing to the Emergency Room, where she has provided high-quality, life-saving care since 2017/2018. Her experience at Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital further honed her expertise in emergency medicine, allowing her to thrive in fast-paced, high-pressure clinical environments.
With an extensive background in acute care, Kariana seamlessly integrates her medical expertise with a meticulous approach to aesthetics, delivering natural, confidence-boosting results. Specializing in injectables, skincare, and aesthetic enhancements, she is dedicated to providing safe, effective, and high-quality treatments tailored to each client’s unique needs.